Well done to all those who have joined in so far with Rhi's wonderful dare, Plastic Fantastic, we've really enjoyed looking at all your creations, using recycled plastic packaging. Some of you have been so inventive ! Don't forget, there is still time to join in, don't forget to leave us a comment- and a link to your blog.
Thank you also to eveyone who joined in with Keryn and Rachel's Friendship dare. Keryn has drawn two names out of a hat and will send these lovely cardmakers a spot prize as soon as she receives their mailing address. The winners are: - Andrea (Andreas's World) and Hels. Congratulations!!! Please send your mailing address to Keryn by
This weeks little extra doesn't have to be for any specific occasion but you do have to follow a reciepe. Two buttons, one ribbon and a 'spoonful' of flowers.....! Put all the ingredients together and bake in a craft room until complete !
Here's a couple from the design team to wet your taste buds ! Don't forget to share your creations with us by leaving us a link to your blog.
Happy baking !