But before I do, we would all like to thank everyone who joined in with Lythan’s ‘Missing You’ dare last week. As always your cards have been a great inspiration to us and we really do enjoy looking at them all, so thank you for joining in with us.
Now on to this weeks ‘Special’ dare and it’s actually very simple really.
All I want you to do is make a card with sick children in mind.
It's best to avoid ‘Get Well’ cards and just aim to make something that is cheery and will bring a smile to a sick child’s face.
Now I can hear you saying….so, what make this such a ‘special’ dare?
Well, it’s special because this week we are very proud to be linking up with Post Pals, an organisation that was set up to create smiles for children who suffer from life threatening and long term illnesses.
As part of the dare, and the most important part at that, I would like you to actually post your card to one of the children listed on the Post Pals web site.
It’s very simple to do, just visit their Home Page where you’ll see they have some ‘featured’ children at the top of the page and to the Left in the side bar there’s a whole data base of children and their stories.
Just follow the five easy steps to send your card.
So there you have it……
I dare you to make a cheery card for a sick child and send it to one of the children featured on Post Pals to brighten their day.
I dare you to make a cheery card for a sick child and send it to one of the children featured on Post Pals to brighten their day.
Also, please can I ask you to make sure that any embellishments you use on your card are firmly secured? We need to prevent the chance of any accidents where small items might be swallowed if they come loose.
Naturally, we know that many of you Daring Cardmakers aren’t actually in the UK but we still want you to join in, so please feel free to send your card to similar charity in your own country.
When your card is made, don’t forget to leave us a link on the comments.
We look forward to seeing your creation and hearing about where and to who they were sent to.
Thanks for joining us this week and bringing a smile to a sick child.