Basically, you can have ANY theme- but the card must have either an item from your kitchen featured on it or would have used something in the kitchen to make it (oven, iron etc)! Bit tricky eh ? Well it wouldn't be a challenge if it was easy now, would it! The design team has come up trumps with some truly wonderful cards once again. We hope they will inspire and encourage you to join in on dare No. 2 The team have all put details of what they have used, techniques and so on, on their individual blogs, so don't forget to check their blogs to find out all the trade secrets ! lol !
Good luck ! Here's our efforts, after a lot of mess making and trial and error apparently!
Lynda's card

Jo's cards, using, coffee label and bean , and tap washer on second card !

Keryn's serviette card

Deb's cards, using Bird seed and cup cake holders

Bondgirl's card. Using wax candle and food colouring, cereal box and cake deco.

Lythan's teabag and food colouring cards
Rhi's plastic milk bottle card !

Jane's serviette, hundreds and thousands and dish cloth cards!

kathy's cards using the oven, baking stuff, food colouring, 100s & 1000s

Kel's bottle top and cup cake holder cards

Saffa's cards. Using Candles, rice and lentils!!

Oh Wow what amazing cards, when I read the challenge I thought youd all gone bonkers! but now Im off to rummage to see what I can "recycle". Thanks girls will hopefully be able to join in this week too xx
Utterly fab!!!
Hope to find something suitable & crack on (no I promise I won't use an egg!!)
blooming heck ladies thats an interesting chalenge...eeeeks will put my thinking cap on for the cards by the way....
Good grief, talk about a 'challenge'. Some great inspiration though girls - well done! Will have to have a good think for this one... watch this space.... or even my blog...!
Oh wow!!!!!!!!
Off to rake the kitchen.x
wow fantastic cards this week, very inspirational. Will need to put my thinking cap on and get to work!
These are utterly fantastic!!!!!
I didn't manage to do the dare last week, but I'll be doing it this week.
You guys are ALL so talented
Fabby cards again girls - trouble is you're all TOO good, I just can't come up with any ideas which won't look pants compared to your examples.
Love the "hundreds and thousands of reasons" one - nice :)
Not sure if I'll have time to play this week, but I have an idea forming in case I can find a spare hour....
Completed mine nice and early this week (lol this will not be a regular occurance I am teh queen of procrastination) In my blog if you want to look. *waves her gold fingers*
Fantastic cards again girls. Going to have a hunt tomorrow to see if there's anything at all in my kitchen that can be used.
Right well my first attempt is on the blog - not totally happy with it - but I like the idea - Im sure you girls could do something great with it!. BTW Charlotte age 5 thinks Im mad going around the kitchen looking for things, and kept asking "mummy what are you looking for exactly" hehe. Thanks girls I have a pile of stuff I intend to try out! xx
Fantastic cards ladies. When I saw the dare I didn't have a clue what to do, now I've got loads of ideas.
I've added mine to my blog - thanks ladies. I was a bit stumpt at first, but had fun once I got going ..... xx
Here's mine:
Got mine made early too!!!
Plan a day of sketching for wedding scrap album so thought I'd get it done like a good girl..
I've had a go at this one - attempts on my blog.
Wow!!!!!!!!!! what fantastic cards ladies well done, i would not know where to start.
great dare - I have some items ready - just need to go home first (on hols now) and get going - thanks
OK just realised today I can comment even if I don't have a blog. Thick or what ?
So just wanted to say, love looking at your dare cards, fab ideas, (and love reading your blogs)
okay ladies I have taken up the challenge and made four cards. Card one used tin foil, card two a birthday candle and card three a light buble box and card four a fridge magnet....thanks for the fun.... Janine.....
I don;t have blogger only wordpress and your blog wont accept my link.....can you change what links you will accept?
ooh - interesting challenge! must get thinking cap on!
I have no idea how "tagging" people works being a newbie to blogging land but over on my blog I have done a post called Thoughts turned to Techniques..
If anyone wants to play along,
5 questions about craft. I would love people to put there answers down to get an idea of what people do, like etc.. A kind of brief profile.
wow you guys are amazing, some gorgeous cards there.
What a stonking challenge....will deffo give it a go.
Oh brill girls! Well done! Congrats on the new blog and cool to see some fimilar names!
Have to go and have a coffee now after seeing the coffee card!! :)
I have finally done it - the card looks much better 'in the flesh' than the piccie, but atleast 'I've done it!' Looking forward to the next challenge now.
Im done - its on my blog :o) thanks for the challenge girls.
wow, there are some really cool cards this week....nice work ladies.
My card is on my blog, I found some paper coasters, string and tin foil from the kitchen drawers and put them to good use.
Hiya Ann ! just wondering what your blog address is ? it isn't showing on your profile ? I'd love to see your card ?
Ann - I have tried to look at your card on your blog but the link on your name takes me to your profile but then I can't get into your blog :-(
I would love to see your card :-)
Jane - great mind think alike! LOL
O.K - it's been a busy week but I finally raided the kitchen and made a quick and simple card. Thanks for the challenge!
Catching up on an old dare. My card is now on my blog. Thanks :)
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