Once again, we have been amazed by how many of you have stepped up to the challenge and joined in with the dares. The response to Jo's dare entitled 9-5 was just fab...and then again with the Little Extra on Tuesday.....well what can we say ? 32 comments - just wonderful...thank you all. We love seeing all your creations.
As you know, Bety has been with us for the last couple of weeks as Guest Designer and has done a fantastic job. Many, many thanks Bety for your support and your beautiful work on the Daring Card Makers Design team....we've loved having you with us.
Which leads us on to our next Guest Designer- who we are very proud to announce will be with us for the next couple of weeks......and that lovely person is KIRSTY WISEMAN. So, please join us in offering Kirsty a huge welcome, we (the design team) are really looking forward to working with you over the next couple of weeks.
So, with out further ado, lets move on to today's dare. Its Kel's turn to set the dare.......are you ready ??
Kel says- Okay, this week I would like you to use some acetate, vellum, plasma or anything else remotely 'see-through' on your card. That's it!
Don't forget to leave us a comment with your blog link to show us your interpretation of the dare. If you haven't got a blog don't worry you can still join in, send a photo or scan of your card to the team at daringcardmakers@hotmail.co.uk and we will add it to our gallery and share the link right here on the blog.







Oh my word, aren't they all just stunning!!! So much inspiration ;o)
Fab cards as every girls! I'm always amazed at the diversity of interpretations of the brief!
Fab dare yet again ladies(I 'm sure I write that every week!)
Mine's on my blog;
Fantastic cards!!!as usual.I have finally decided to take the plunge and this is my first time trying a dare, and I have already done y first attempt.I am hoping to do a few more by tonight or tomorrow.
Mine is on my blog:
Fantastic cards ladies has ever, ive managed to do one.
Andrea xx
Hi all,
Well I have a perfect excuse for not doing the last two dares - I was too busy opening gorgeous things that arrived in the post - for my challenge prize!!!
I have posted a piccie on my blog
and I have to say a huge thank you to Lythan, Gillian, Lynne, Rhi and Kathy.
You made my day (on several days!)
Will be back later with this weeks challenge hopefully!
Jayne x
It amazes me what you ladies have in your stashes. Those see through cards are fabulous. Great challenge once again - and now I'll be singing that song all day...
done one :)
thank - you for the nudge been meaning to play with this plasma for ages
OOHH lovely cards..will get cracking with mine.x
Great cards and another great idea. I love the pants card!!!Mine's on my blog.
Here's one I did a while back that had clear butterflies. I'll do another one tonight - http://wellsaidcards.blogspot.com/2007/04/its-exactly-as-i-envisioned-it-would-be.html
very pretty cards.
here is
OMG! These are all wonderful! What talent. Mine isn't a card but its a transparency I cut out in shapes of flowers to embellish my Coaster Purse. Blog is http://paperblessings.blogspot.com
I've posted a card on my blog, if you would like to take a peek.
Just plain and simple as not feeling 100%
beautiful creations everybody! thanks girls it was a pleasure to be with you as a guest designer!!!! Hugs!! ;)
Bety :)
What funky creations ladies! Love that see through card Lythan!
Mine is on my blog...see you there!
beautiful cards ladies!
My entry is on my blog
Fabby dare ladies. Love the examples. Will get round all the blogs later today & have a looksee!
Mine is done & on my blog. TFL.x
Well i've just finished mine, I love these challenges cos they get me using things I wouldn't normally use. It's on my blog.
Great cards girls!!! Mine is on my blog!
Some wonderful cards again! Here is mine:-
I gave this one a 'go'....don't look at it before dinner :)
I thought I'd join in for the first time! Couldnt resist this challenge.
Mine can be found here
Off to look at all the wonderful contributions. :0)
fab cards of the DT ! Had a go with a vellum take ! must try more hamblies next time !
ttfn, Pearl
This is my first time. I have been watching and admiring for a few weeks.
Mine is at:
Jane (BJZoe)
Finished! I put ones I did last week too because I didn't get to post them last week. So thanks for last weeks and this weeks fabby dares girls!! :D
My go is here
A first timer here. the DT cards are great.
Here is my attempt
Here is my version of 'I can see clearly now' - Oriental style.
Hope you like it.
Cynthia http://rainbowladyscraftyblog.blogspot.com/
Just made another one! Lovin' this dare!
What a gorgous bunch of cards ladies, Have finally done mine and it is on my blog
These are sooo gorgeous!!
I've finally finished mine, it's on my blog :O)
I have just added my card to my blog :)
Hurrah, I've finally got round to uploading mine! Made it Friday but had a bit of busy weekend since then ;o)
here is mine-
What a fab bunch of cards! I've had a go, it's on my blog : ).
Fab DT cards (as always!)
Here's my entry on my blog
I love to work with vellum, so I love this challenge! Hope you love my entry. Take a look here : http://poekietoe.blogspot.com/2007/06/daring-cardmakers-clearly.html#links
mmm, feels good to have created some more cards -thanks for the inspiration!
Wonderful inspiration! Thought I'd have a go at the challenge this week after doing the mid-week one. My attempt is on my blog at http://inknrubba.blogspot.com/
I'm a bit behind and must go check out all the darees, but here are my quick attempts:
41 comments! Could that be a DCM record???!!!!
Come and look through my bowl- you'll understand if you visit my blog!....
Fab dare - again!!
Mine is here http://andreagourley.blogspot.com/
Esther - we're up to 43 now!. How does everyone find the time to look at all the others. I'm not I'm afraid - sorry ladies. I have taken a peek at about half of them, but if I left comments on them all, then I'd never get mine done. Some lovely interpretations out there.
Mine is on my blog now if you do get round to having a look.
wow this must be a record response ! wonderful ! did another take with transapency something ! lol
wow! so many cards this week :)
I have made a couple of transparent birds...they are on my blog!
What an inspiring , fab collection of cards!
I thought I would take the plunge and have a go for the first time.
You can see my card here:
Penny x
Finally got round to posting something, slightly cheated... its one I made earlier... had hectic week as you will see!
Hi again girls!
I've uploaded one of my 'crafty chicks' cards onto my blog...TAKE LOOK!
My wedding card using a little vellum is now on my blog - thanks for looking
My card - made from acetate and Marvey Metallic Pens is here on my blog ...
Donna in New Zealand
I did it... first time to take up the dare for me... thanks for the nudge gillian!
Beautiful work.
Great dare and just managed to find time to join in. Mine can be found here: http://sugar-and-spice0.blogspot.com/
Hi, I've been stalking this place for weeks and I have finally managed to get round to attempting one of the dares. Be gentle with me, you can find mine here http://leighslittleblog.blogspot.com/2007/06/ok-be-gentle-with-me.html
Hi! I have done a second card for this dare using dry embossing on vellum!!I was planning to do lots more but time just went by and I can't believe we are already facing up with the second challenge! Anyway, my second one is on my blog.
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