Friday, March 05, 2010

March's birthstone : Aquamarine

Thanks to everyone who warmed us up with their sunny cards last week. What a fabulous array!

We have arrived at the start of another month which means it is a colour theme based on the birthstone of the month -

Its an interesting stone as it comes in various colours - aquamarines come in sea blue; sky blue; blue green and sea green which is a lovely broad sea/sky palette. The crystal structure is hexagonal. It is also associated with the properties of faithfulness, courage and friendship.

Don’t forget to leave us a link so we can come and see your creations.
Here are a few examples from the team to help get your creative juices flowing.


Wendy - Anntaurus said...

I am loving the DT cards - Here is my effort

Heckety said...

All these cards are lovely, and fun, and inspiring, but the first one is just a work of art in itself- its fabulous!!

Kruemel said...

Love this month´s stone´s color! And the DT cards are stunning.

Here´s my card.

Thanks for looking!
Kathrin aka Kruemel

Barb Smith said...

Love the cards. My birthday is in March so I have a special interest in this challenge. Pls. check out my card.
Barb. Smith from Toronto, Canada

Daniele said...

lovely work from The design team here is my card thanks for taking a look

Samm said...

Stunning cards!!!

Here's mine:

My Card


Anonymous said...

Beautiful DT Cards!!! Here is mine with a little aquamarine color:

Scrappy said...

Here is one from me! :-)

Anne said...

Fantastic DT cards. Here's mine. Hugs x

Christina Hicks said...
Here is my card.

Claire said...

Love the DT cards, mine is here

Kate said...

Lovely bright cards, I think I've gone a little 'dark', mine's here.

- - Sheryl - - said...

I am so glad I had a piece of aquamarine paper. Here is my card

Chrissie said...

Love this colour!
My card is here

Debbie said...

Such a gorgeous, fresh colour! Here is My Card!

Unknown said...

Great colour, here is my entry

Jo Hooper said...

My entry this week, although I am not sure whether I have put enought aquamarine to qualify. LOL


Jo’s card is here!

Enfys said...

Loved this challenge, aquamarine is my favourite gemstone, gorgeous Dt cards, as always

is mine

Davi said...

Just found your great challenge. Love the wonderful creations of the design team

here is my card

pinky said...

Gorgeous colour to work with! You can see my card here
Thanks for the challenge. Hugs

chilli pip said...

Hope you like my card ... let me know here is my card

Kaz said...

Oooo lots of gorgeousness from the team, off for a nosey around the blogs now.
My card is here x

Caro said...

Great challenge and lovely DT work. You can see my attempt here

Josephine said...

Oh, I love these colours! My attempt is here.

Deanne Clarke said...

Great inspiration!

My card can be found HERE!

The Crafty Den said...

Gorgeous DT samples and love the colour theme this month. You can see my card here. Hugs, Denise x

The Crafty Den said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julia Dunnit said...

Yahoo, I finally did one! Great cards everyone.
on my blog

Rachel said...

gorgeous! here's mine
Rachel xx

-Agnes- said...

Here's my card.

Natascha said...

Great work.
Here is my card.

Hugs, Natascha

Anonymous said...


Janice said...

Gosh busy on here this week. My card is HERE

Heather said...

Here is my card. Mine just has touches of aquamarine for a POP of colour!

Cec said...

This was a fun colour to work with. Here is mycard

Unknown said...

Here is mine

Janet, said...

Here is my card. Love this color.

Janet, said...

Your blog is so inspiring to me I have nominated you for a blog award. Stop by and pick it up and know that you are an inspiration to us all.

Peri said...

Lovely work, as always. Here's my contribution.

Peri x

kavitha said...

here is my card,

Kath Stewart said...

loving this month's colour...HERE
is mine...gorgeous DT cards
hugs kath xxxx

Lynn said...

Really like this colour and allowed me to try something a bit different from just cards! Here's My Card!

Vicky said...

Loads of lovely inspiration.Here is my card

Ash said...


I so wanted to use this color & managed to arrange for a few basics... I hope it meets requirements, for the challenge.....

Here is my Card


Hazel said...

Scraping in at the last minute again (one day I'll be earlier!) - my card is here x