Friday, June 28, 2013

Forgotten Treasures

Thanks for taking part in last week’s dare. It was great  to see what you found in your itty bitty jars!

It's Miri here and this week, and I'd like you to have a close look at your craft stash and dig out those
Forgotten Treasures
Craft items (stamps, paper, embossing folders etc.) that you bought or got as a present … that are still waiting to be used because you completely forgot about them or never found the time to use them.

And I hope that I’m not the only one who has got some of these treasures in her craft cupboard. 

Have a look at the design team’s beautiful creations and then start the treasure hunt …
Happy crafting!






Helen said...

Great challenge - love the DT makes!
Thanks for making me dig into the depths of my stash! ;0)
Helen x

Karen P said...

Thank you for the challenge and for sharing such great DT inspiration with us hugs Karen