Thursday, May 30, 2019

Secret Hideaway

Hello, Joanne here with this week's challenge. I'm just back from a couple of weeks near Vienna so I've missed seeing entries for the last couple of dares - hope you've all been having fun!

This week I'd like to see you create a card with a hidden element! You might choose to use a camouflage/eclipse sentiment with die cut words or letters, add a pocket to your card and tuck something inside, use a flap to conceal a surprise image or sentiment... what can you come up with to create a secret hideaway?

Here's some inspiration from the Design Team:







Friday, May 24, 2019

Celebrating The Victorian Era

Happy Friday!

It's Shabneez here today and I hope you enjoyed Kathy's challenge last week,  thanks to those of you that joined in.

It's Queen Victoria's birthday today so to celebrate I'd like to see something from her era on your cards be it a mode of transport, clothing, steampunk or you can pay homage to the Queen herself and do something regal!

Here is the inspiration from the Design Team this week:



Ruth:  The Eiffel Tower was built during her reign



Friday, May 17, 2019

M. A. Y. letters

Welcome to another Friday Challenge with The Daring Cardmakers.  It's Kathy here this time and I'll apologise straight away, because this one is tough! 
 Much tougher that it seemed when I came up with the 'bright' idea!

Anyway, first, a big thank you for joining in and sharing your cards with us last time, it was lovely to see your creations and we hope you enjoyed spending TIME on Sylvia's lovely challenge.

M A Y   letters
So here's my fiendish challenge for this week! You can make any kind of card you like, but I'd like you to incorporate at least one thing beginning with each letter of the word MAY into your card. For example colours, words, 'things' or techniques beginning with the letters
M - Magenta, Mustard, Maypole, Monogram, Masking
A - Anniversary, Amber, Arch, Anchor, Apple
Y - Yellow, Yacht, Yupo paper, You. Yak!

Scary eh?  I hope you don't run away shouting "no chance" over your shoulder!  If you're up for it, this one will make you think a bit out of the box and have you looking at your stash in a different way.  The DT have really stepped up to the mark with their cards and we've added the M,A & Y elements by our names to help give more ideas

Kathy    (Mosaic,  Aster/Adorable. Yellow)

 Joanne    (Magazine page, Alcohol ink, Yupo)

Shabneez    (Moving,   Aqua,  Yellow)

Sylvia    (Mixed Media,  Aperture,  Yellow)

Dawn   ( Mint cardstock,  Aperture,   Yellow )  

Ruth   (
Machine, Animal, Yellow

Miri        (Message,   Aquarium,   Yellow)

Nat     (Mustard shade/word "May", Abandoned Coral Distress Oxide Ink, Yellow and the words "You" on the inside/"Your" on the front)

Svenja (mandala - aqua/azur/adho mukha svanasana - yellow/yoga)


Friday, May 10, 2019

A Moment In Time

Hi everyone, Sylvia here to host the challenge this week.  
Thank you all for joining us in the elemental challenge last week your entries were amazing.

We are into May already and nearly half way through the year, Where does time go!  This week I would like to see
 "A Moment In Time"
featured in your cards, it could be clocks, watches, hour glass, or a time such as fairytale once upon a time, or Victorian, swinging sixties, tea time, play time, work time, anything time related.  







Friday, May 03, 2019

May Elemental Inspiration

Happy May!

It's Shabneez here and I'd like to thank all of you who joined in with the 99 Balloons challenge last week - it was fun wasn't it?!

As it's the start of a new month, the May Elemental Challenge is on the calendar this week and here's what I've chosen:

I'm hoping it'll get your creative juices going and you simply need to use any 3 elements from the photo - colour counts as one.

You can see lots of inspiration from the Design Team here:

