Friday, May 29, 2020

BIG celebrations

Hello crafters!

Thank you for sharing your bird cards with us last week. We saw such a great variety of birds and styles. That was very inspiring!

Today it’s my, Miri’s, turn to set the challenge.

I want you to make cards for the

BIG celebrations

that you usually enjoy only once in your lifetime: a wedding, a special birthday (18th, 30th, etc.), a holy communion, finally reaching retirement, passing an exam/driving test, etc.

I know that many of these great celebrations have or had to be cancelled this year or celebrated quite differently from the original plan. But maybe in this case it’s even more important to send a card and tell someone that you’re thinking of them … from far away.

Let’s spread some joy here and stay happy, healthy and positive!

The Design Team has some great examples to give you some brilliant ideas:

 [Image: 05-may-celebrations-small.jpg]




This week's cover

Friday, May 22, 2020

Birds of a Feather

Hello everyone on this fine Friday morning!

It's almost the Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK so hopefully a good opportunity for many of you to get some crafting done. :D

Before I share the details of this week's dare, I'd just like to thank everyone who played along with last week's Keep it in the Family dare.
We enjoy seeing what you create and hope you will have fun with
 this week's challenge too!

So, as the title suggests, I want to see you...

Feature birds on your card project!

Stamps, die cuts, stickers, papers... our fine feathered friends are a real staple of many product lines and will definitely help lift someone's day. :)

To get you started, here is some feathery inspiration from the design team:






This week's cover:

Friday, May 15, 2020

Keep It In The Family

First of all a big thank you to everyone who got inky with some fabulous backgrounds for our challenge last week!

It's Joanne here with your challenge today which focuses on the fact it's International Family Day.  When I chose this topic, I had no idea that there would be an extra poignancy for many of us who can't see our families because of the current lockdown restrictions. 

So, let’s celebrate families on our projects this week. It could be a welcome to a new addition to the family (a baby or an adoption, or maybe even a new pet), something to mark your relationship with a special family member, or you might choose an image representing a family. Show us what family means to you!

Here are some fantastic examples from the Design Team to start us off:







This week's cover sheet for you to share

Friday, May 08, 2020

Inky Backgrounds

Hello everyone hope you are all well and keeping safe. 

It's Rizwana here with a new challenge and I'd like to say a big thank you to every one who took part in last weeks May Elemental Challenge. It was lovely to see some beautiful creations.
I am really excited as its my turn to set this weeks challenge and I would like you to:
     Create an Inky Background

I would love to see some inky backgrounds using any medium like paints, inks, sprays, distress inks, distress oxides etc. You can use stencils to add interest. Most of all have fun creating them. Check out all the inspiration from the Design Team below and we all look forward to seeing what you come up with!










 This week's cover sheet

Friday, May 01, 2020

May Elemental Inspiration Challenge

First of all a big thank you to everyone that played along in last weeks challenge.  

Its Dawn here with this weeks challenge and I can't believe we are at the start of May.  

Its a bank holiday here in France at the moment and I can't think of a better way to enjoy it than crafting along with the Daring Cardmakers.

As its the beginning of the new month we have a elemental inspiration challenge for you.
Remember you need to choose 3 elements from the image below and the colour counts as one element.

We can't wait to see what you create this week and have fun.




 Here's this week's cover sheet