Friday, October 06, 2023

October Elemental Inspiration

 Hello Cardmakers, thanks for joining our weaving challenge last week, we hope you enjoyed it and we loved seeing your cards. 

As it’s the first Friday of a brand new month, today’s challenge is “elemental” — just choose at least three elements from the picture to kick start your card. 

October Elemental Inspiration Challenge 
Shabneez here to host this week and my mood board has an eclectic mix of elements! 
How about using the layout as one element? Or the geometric shapes? Then there are the colours, a blue sky, flowers, grass, a tortoise, turtle or other animal or the  lovely colours, pattern or texture of that beautiful shell

Pick at least 3 elements from this image to interpret on your card (remember colours count collectively as one element) and enjoy some crafty time!






This week’s cover:

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