Friday, August 29, 2014

Clean and Simple

Hi everyone, it's Sharon here with this week's dare.  Firstly, thanks to everyone that joined in last week with our Festivals and Party dare, and thanks again to Docrafts for sponsoring our challenge. We'll be back soon with the name of the prize winner, so if you joined in, keep your fingers crossed!

After all that excitement, I'm going to calm things down a bit with a very simple dare.  I'd like to see your CAS (clean and simple) card designs.   You can create a card for any theme, and using any colours.  I know this will be really hard for some people, and the easiest dare ever for others!

If this isn't your usual style, then hopefully these cards from the DT will give you some ideas.....







Anonymous said...

Nice example of clean and simple (something that I struggle with). I especially like the Noel card. Beautiful. Thank you for hosting.

Willeke said...

nice blog you have. For the first time I entered a challenge on your blog, I hope I linked it the right way.
Creative greetings from Willeke ....

Karen P said...

Thank you for a fun challenge and the gorgeous inspirations. I hope my entry counts as CAS Karen x

Mynn xx said...

Thanks for the fun challenge and the awesome DT work for added inspiration! :) Mynn xx