Hello fellow darers !!
Friday has come round again, and I expect you are all as busy as us as we fast approach Christmas. So we are going to keep things as nice and easy as we can for you through the next few weeks........firstly, we have decided to give the 'Little Extra' dares a holiday over Christmas/New year because life is just busy enough at the moment- and I can't see many of you getting up on Christmas morning to take up a new dare ! :) So the mid week specials will be back in January, but watch this space there are lots of exciting changes lined up of the 'Little Extra' but we will fill you in on all the details soooooooon.
Now, on to this weeks dare. Christmas is an expensive time of year (although every day of the year can be potentially expensive to us Crafters ! ;) Anyway, we thought it would be a good idea to run a dare that was 'inexpensive'..This week, we the DCM team, would like you to design a card using a magazine 'freebie' . Either a craft magazine freebie, or indeed any other magazine freebie, papers, embellishments, tools, etc. anything really, as long as it came from a magazine.
Now as always, you can share your lovely designs with us in one of two ways....either leave a comment (with a direct link to your blog included) or you can email a piccy of your card to our email address.www.daringcardmakers@hotmail.com and we will load it onto our gallery, for viewing.
Here are some of the design team members cards to spur you on hopefully!! Oh and on a final note- we the DCM design team would love to take this opportunity to wish all of our readers, darers and friends, a very, very Happy, Safe and enjoyable Christmas !! Merry Christmas everyone !!
