What an amazing week!
We have a record 19 Darers this week, including some talented crafters joining in for the very fist time - Thank You all so much for joining in and showing all your
wonderful cards, we really do enjoy seeing your work, and we're sure that many others are inspired by seeing the range and variety of all these cards. If you've not already done so, then remember you can visit them all via the Links List on the right of the screen. Okay Everyone it's time to move on to another Dare and now it's Saffa's turn...
This weeks dare is entitled:
..no I don't mean rock music! I would like you to make a card on any theme you like with the rule that it must include something metalic...thats all!You could use wire, charms, foil or even metallic pens.
So, plenty of room there for some fun and creativity. The Design Team have been clinking bits of metal all week and our cards are shown below. Now it's over to you to do your bit, we're here and waiting to see your "take" on the theme.
Anyone and Everyone is welcome to join in, wherever you live, whatever your style - the more, the merrier in fact! So please, come on in and spend a few happy minutes (or hours) crafting with the DCM

For anyone who hasn't joined in before, there are two ways to show us your creations:
1. Leave a message on the blog and we'll come and look. We'll also add a link to the sidebar to make it easy for readers to visit your site and see what you've been up to.
2. We also have a gallery ready and waiting for non-blogger's cards. Just email your pictures to daringcardmakers@hotmail.co.uk and as soon as they've been OK'd they'll appear on the gallery. Please remember to add your name, the dare your card is for and your website info if you have one.