Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Cars, Boats, Trains & Planes
is the theme for our Little Extra challenge this week.
A good chance to stock up on kids cards and make a few of those poor, unloved "cards for men", maybe? How about "congratulations on Passing your Driving test" or "Got your Wings" for newly qualified pilots? - ok so we may be reaching a bit far with that one, but you never know!
Basically, what we'd like you to do is put some transport on your cards this week, how you do it is up to you!

Now, don't forget - Gill's Op-Shop challenge is still open - so if you've not had a look to see what's on offer in your local Charity/Goodwill Shop, or even at a jumble sale there's still time to have a go at this one - we know that this Dare takes a bit more effort as you can't just raid your craft boxes, but look on it as a real opportunity to explore new sources of stash
- go on, have a bash, we dare you!

We have fab news to share with all our DCM friends - our lovely Kel gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Friday 21st - huge congratulations Kel and family - and welcome to the world baby Harrison.
Everyone say aaaaahhhhhhhh!

Here are some transport cards from DT members to help you get thinking:


Bobbey said...

How do we post to the challenge? I just found your blog a few days ago and would love to "play". Or are the challenges for members only?

Rhi said...

Everyone is welcome Bobbey,just post your card on your blog and leave us a link as a comment.

Looking forward to seeing your dare card :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Kel. :) Fab DT cards, will get my thinking cap on!


Andrea, said...

Congrats to Kel, love the DT's cards, a great challenge this one.

Rainbow Lady said...

Congrats to Kel fromme too.
Here is my card on my blog. I loved this challenge thank you team.
Thanks for looking
Love Cynthia x

stamp and scrape said...

Here's to sleepless nights and boobs on demans, Kel. Congrats from me too.
Here's my very moving card!! ;-)

stamp and scrape said...

Sorry, another comment from me. When we have these m/week challenges would it be possible to accredit the DT cards to the makers as you do on a Friday, as I really want to praise them, but don't always have time to search through all the DT links. I realise this is extra work for someone, but I'm sure we all want to show our appreciation for the work you've put in.

Paula J Atkinson said...

Congratulations Kel! what a great name for baby.

Brilliant challenge ladies, it forced me to get out my travel stamps & make a card with a masculine feel as Im told I don't make enough.... honestly some folk are never satisfied....lol


Leigh said...

Fab challenge and gorgeous work from the DT. You can find my card here


Congrats to Kel and her family.

Juliet said...

Congrats to Kel on her new arrival!
Thanks again to the team for this challenge and for creating such inspiring examples - I love them.
I had a bash and my card is on my blog.

Kylie Swain said...

Here is my contribution to the challenge.


Pearl said...

Congrats to Kel indeed !

My card's here : http://maisymary.blogspot.com/2007/09/dcm-vroom.html

alice k. said...

You guys, I thought I could pull off something brilliant... but instead got very gloomy - sorry!

Rika said...

Congrats to Kel!
Pretty cards for the great dare ladies!
My entry is on my blog

Andrea, said...

Great challenge, my card's on my blog

My card

Wendy - Anntaurus said...

Funnily enough I needed one for Hubby's Birthday on Monday!!

Wendy - Anntaurus said...

Sorry - forgot the link!!

My effort is here:-

Kate said...

My little extra is here, credited Jo as an influence - hope she is OK, hasn't been any blogging recently.

SueH said...

This challenge has had me sitting singing Trains and Boats and Planes all morning. Good job there no one else here to hear me lol!

My card’s here

I'll be back to check out everyone elses later.

Jackie said...

Just added my card to my blog!

Deb said...

Congrats to Kel and family!
Great dare, as soon as I saw it I knew which stamp I had to use. Really enjoyed this today!


Samm said...

Congratulations Kel and Family!!! a baby DCMer!!!!

Great challenge girlies!! gorgeous cards! here's mine:

by Samm: DCM little extra, Sisterhood of scrap and Di Hickman challenge


Esther said...

thought i would post in here to say I have just finished the main challenge- cor that was close!

Karin said...

Here's mine!

Oh and congratulations to Kel and family :o)

Louly said...

Brilliant dare! mine's on my blog

mum-on-the-run said...

HUGE congats to Kel and family!!

My baby car card is here :


TFL :)

Dollydimps said...

Oops! I thought I'd left a comment!
Firstly HUGE congratulations to Kel-wonderful news :-D
Secondly, I did a little extra this week-the team's cards are as fab as ever

Kae said...

Congrats to Kel!! :D

My Extra Challenge effort is on my blog :)


Denise said...

Hope this is not too late, I think I must of broken down on route (he he) my effort is on my blog:-

Karin said...

This is such a great theme have just made another!


GLC Arts and Crafts Mall said...

WOW!! Absolutely Beautiful