For anyone who hasn't joined in before, there are two ways to show us your creations:
1. Leave a message on the blog and we'll come and look. We'll also add a link to the sidebar to make it easy for readers to visit your site and see what you've been up to.
2. We also have a gallery ready and waiting for non-blogger's cards. Just email your pictures to and as soon as they've been OK'd they'll appear on the gallery. Please remember to add your name, the dare your card is for and your website info if you have one.









lovely cards once again girls - I may have some old cards with "bling" but will try and have a go this week
ttfn, have a good weekend xxx
oooh! you guys make gorgeous cards! can't wait to get sparkly with this one!
wow ladies these are stunning!!! I think I need to buy more bling type embellishments
Fabulous cards ladies & brilliant first dare for the New Year.
As always I am trapped behind my desk until 3.30pm & am itching to play. It's good to be back in the craft saddle again!!!
oooh, ahhh... a girls gotta love her bling.... what pretty & sparkly lovelies... I'm be back!!
Great cards (apu) girls. Well, I know I've missed a few dares but the madness before, during and after Crimbo is now just about gone and I think I may well be back to 'have a go'. Will check back with you later when I have something...
yxiHey hey hey gals !
Love the cards & blings & all the fabby details !
I just made some love thrmed cards that happened to have some bling & beads ...
Brilliant cards girls and what a great dare. Will definitely be joining in this week!
Brilliant designs yet again girls-such a diverse range of designs and huge amount of talent-I shall join in on this one too
Here is my first effort for 2007.
I can't believe how tired I am after my first week at work & thought I'd start off simple.
I have missed these challenges.
Wow! These cards are all just lovely!!
Fab cards girls - I do love a bit of bling. I'll do mine over the weekend.
Fab cards, girls. I do love a bit of bling.
I'll get mine done over the weekend.
Great dare! I even managed to use some of my first scrapping stash - those wonderful Embelleez beadz! I just love a bit-a bling. :oD
Anyway I've just finished off mine and uploaded it to the blog with a close-up as I suspect the scanner was a bit overwhelmed by all the dazzle thrown at it since the scan is a bit bad! hehe
Mines on my blog now... Thanks for adding a little 'bling' to our week girls...
Sorry Girls, having trouble with my image, I'll let you know when it's up.. sorry for the false alarm. :o)
You'll be sick of me... LOL!!!
There it's finally loaded... Gotta Love Mr Blogger - NOT!!!
Lovely cards
I was inspired by this one - though my bling doesn't show well.
My card is now on my blog
Thank you ladies
Lachlan is back making cards again. Go to my blog and see his fabulous bling card.
Hi girls
I dug some old stock out that fits this weeks challenge x
Great cards ladies, love this theme....there's nothing like a bit of sparkle in your day.
My effort is on my blog....not a great scan though!?
my 1st card for DCM!! As my blog says, a real challenge!
Love all the cards that are posted!
Finished blinging, thought I would go mad with the bling but only used one bit in the end. Thanks for the challenge girls! :D
I did one! I'm a daring cardmaker Yay!
Hi Girls,
I've just done a card that might just come under your bling dare. It's inspired by one of Keryn's techniques.
It's on
My first ever link to you guys.... scary!
Hi all and it's so nice to see some new people joining in for the DCM dares! Welcome from me :-D
I have only been doing the dares for a little while too - it is fun and all of the ladies here are so kind, encouraging and inspiring! I just finished my beady bling card for this week's dare if you want to have a look....
Moving to "new" blogger seems to have lost some of the names on the comments. If you've joined in with this dare and your link isn't on the links list please let us know so we can sort it out
I managed to have a go this week...a fab challenge girls....keep em coming.
My card is on my blog
Here's my effort - apologies for the terrible scan (scanners don't like beads me thinks)
Thanks for another fab dare :)
I Finally made my card.
Hope its not too simple. I found some really cute ribbon with sequins and beading on it. Thanks for looking!!! -Samantha
mine's on my blog!
Sorry I'm late again ladies .... ***blush***. Blogger has at last let me post my Pix, my card has been added to my Blog.xx
Julie has joined in our blinging dare and her card can be seen here
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