Thursday, October 29, 2020


Hi everyone, it's Jenny here and let me start by saying a big thank you to everyone who shared their spooktacular makes last week.  We had such a fabulous selection of projects ranging from the super cute to the spooky and creepy!  

I'm so happy to be setting your challenge this week for the first time! 

Next week in the UK it's Guy Fawkes day or Bonfire Night on the 5th of November so in honour of this I would love to see your Fireworks themed projects this time round.

  In case you haven't heard of Guy Fawkes, he was part of the Gunpowder plot in 1605 which attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament .  The plot failed as someone warned the government and they caught them in the act and executed them for their crimes.  Traditionally we would celebrate by going to a firework display where we would burn a "guy" on a bonfire.  For those outwith the UK don't panic, nobody is actually harmed, it's just a fake!  When I was a kid we used to get an old shirt and pair of trousers and tie the ankles and wrists with string before stuffing him with scrunched up newspapers and adding a balloon head.  So every year we remember poor Guy and his friends and their failed plot to bring down the government!






This week's cover:

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