
Remember - There are two ways to show us your creations:
1. Leave a message on the blog and we'll come and look. We'll also add a link to the sidebar to make it easy for readers to visit your site and see what you've been up to.
2. We also have a gallery ready and waiting for non-blogger's cards. Just email your pictures to and as soon as they've been OK'd they'll appear on the gallery. Please remember to add your name, the dare your card is for and your website info if you have one. If you can tell us how you came across The Daring Cardmakers that would be great too.
Thank you to everyone who shares their cards with us, they are all amazing and we really do appreciate the work you all put into each and every dare that we do.
gosh a hard one for a non stamper like me! will try and have a go - Ive only just loaded last week challenge on my blog! x
great cards girls - would be nice to know what youve all used, apart from the obvious fingers, dominos and dice.
Oh WOW, some fab cards here girls but food for thought!!!
Love Kathys' what is that a leaf??
I need to think hard for this, got until 3.30pm!!!!
Oh MY... Keryn... this one is tricky... sure to stretch us all.. Awesome cards girls.. they really help get the creative process started.
Hi Rachel,
If you check out the design team blogs, we will pop on there how we made each card. Mine is remote control cars and Waynes hand!
Ohh I just can't keep up with you lot, I've been too busy beading to have much time for making cards I'm afraid.
But I do enjoy seeing what you've been doing - some great ideas as usual ladies.
O wow what great timing ! Brill ! I have been meaning to try out stamping recently & also without using the usual obvious rubber stamps etc - I am thinking mainly circles - like pen covers etc who knows what I'll come up with !
hiya Tracie, thank you for that. I was thinking earlier about inking Jacks feet and hands and looks like you beat me to it hehe xx - fab cards xx
The initial idea used Baby J's foot but couldnt get him to stay still long enough so W made me a footprint with his hand
Hi Ladies, my card has been made a while but naughty blogger has only just permitted me to upload it!!!
I do have another design up my sleeve for this dare awaiting the equipment!! & one in progress from the mid week but to be honest I seem to have lost my mojo.....
Wow ladies, wonderful work, love them all and a fantastic theme!
Made some gift tags for christmas it turns out ! A real challenge it was for me !
Thanks much for the dare ,gals ! Wonderful cards from the design team as always !
My second attempt at this dare & the original attempt for the mid week recipe are now on my blog. Took a while but blogger let me!!!!
Sorry not had much time to play this week, but have made a quicky card - it's been added to my Blog.x
Sorry not had much time to play this week, but have made a quicky card - it's been added to my Blog.x
Hi girls, My cards been added to my blog..
Absolutely wonderful cards, everybody! Will get back to play with you all again soon - have been distracted with making an album, if anybody wants to see - it is on my blog and it doesn't go with any challenges for the past two weeks, but it is a finished piece of work :-)
Absolutely wonderful cards, everybody! Will get back to play with you all again soon - have been distracted with making an album, if anybody wants to see - it is on my blog and it doesn't go with any challenges for the past two weeks, but it is a finished piece of work :-)
Wow great cards girls. I'll have a good think about this one (and try to get the last 2 done as well!! - I am such a bad person)
Done and on my blog - although I really cant take much credit for the finished card other than for the idea of using the bubble wrap! LOL promise I will TRY do one that's all mine before Friday.
Nice cards girls, mine is up on my blog....very hastily done i'm afraid, life is hectic at the moment!
I made a couple of very quick cards tonight fro the star and the stamping with a twist challenges. They are on my blog.
This is my first dare... Here is my effort for the 'Stamping with a Twist' challenge:
Hope to do the tags very soon....
I just updated with two cards. Being out of town I hadn't gotten to do the mini weekly challenge so I was excited to join in this one. Thanks for looking!!!
Ok, this is the first time I joined the challenge, and it's kind of last minute. I hope that's still ok! You can look at my card on my blog. TFL! ladies are soooooo super creative...thats whay I love this place...gonna try it out!
Ros has joined in our stamping dare using a cookie cutter. You can see her fantastic card here
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