Thursday, February 29, 2024

March Elemental Inspiration Challenge

Hello Cardmakers

Thank you so much for joining in with Kirsty's Weather challenge last week It's always good to see what you come up with, and as none of us can get away from it Weather cards are always fun to see
It’s the first Friday (and the first day) of a brand new month, and today’s challenge is “elemental” — just choose at least three elements from Miri's picture to kick start your card. 

March Elemental Inspiration Challenge 
It's Miri here to host this week and my mood board just oozes a feeling of calm and peace! There's lots of lovely inspiration in there, and hopefully you'll enjoy a feeling of well-being and tranquility as you craft!
Remember just choose at least 3 elements to use when you make your card.



This week's cover:

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